Alticube concept presented at IAC conference

A paper entitled “AltiCube: A Ka-band Altimeter CubeSat Constellation for Ocean Monitoring” by J.Guo, Y.Li, S.H.Mok, B.Krijnen, P. Hoogeboom, P.Lopez-Dekker and C.Buck was presented at the 71st International Astronautical Congress (IAC), 12-14 October 2020. The paper is available in the resource page. Abstract: A feasibility study of a Ka-band altimeter …

Altimeter breadboard paper now published

(click on the title or on “Continue Reading” to see this post in full, including links) Further to the post on Ka-band radar altimeter breadboard for NL-RIA a paper on the subject has been presented by Ozan Dogan to the 2020 IEEE International IOT, Electronics and Mechatronics Conference (IEMTRONICS) and …

SwarmSAR concept presented at the IEEE Radarcon 2020 event

A work with title “A Highly Flexible and Scalable S-band SwarmSAR from Very Simple Nodes” from authors Lorenzo Iannini, Paco Lopez-Dekker and Peter Hoogeboom has been presented at the IEEE Radarcon 2020 conference. The presentation and the paper proceeding are available in the resource page. Abstract: The paper introduces the …

IEEE GRSL paper by Ozan Dogan published and downloadable

A recent publication by Ozan Dogan, Faruk Eysal and Paco Lopez-Dekker in IEEE GRSL can now be downloaded from the Resources page on this website.  Small satellite radar technology is emerging due to its promising mission concept variety. A modern satellite radar system shall be capable of generating not only …

Hermess reports on user needs for maritime applications

The Dutch company Hermess delivered the report User needs on radar altimetry data for offshore, oceanographic and maritime applications for the NL-RIA knowledge network. Hermess provides services for the maritime sector. These services are based on weather and wave modelling and are used to support, among others, design of offshore …

NL-RIA altimeter presentation at ESA ARSI-KEO 2019 workshop 11-13 Nov 2019

TU Delft attended with several persons the ARSI-KEO workshop at ESTEC, Noordwijk, officially named the 6th edition of the Advanced RF Sensors and Remote Sensing Instruments workshop, together with the 4th Ka-band for Earth Observation workshop. A poster presentation was prepared by Yuanhao Li, entitled “Alticubes: a Ka-Band Cubesat Altimeter …

NL-RIA concepts unveiled

In the first half of 2019 the NL-RIA consortium initiative and its satellite concepts have been presented by TU-Delft at several key international events for the remote sensing community. March2019. The swarmSAR concept is for the first time introduced at the workshop “Bi and Multistatic SAR Systems and Applications” organized by …