A successful Radar Altimetry shortcourse

Peter Hoogeboom, emeritus professor Radar Remote Sensing of TU Delft gave a shortcourse on radar altimetry to those who were interested and involved in NL-RIA’s activities to realize a constellation of cubesat-based radar altimeters. The course started off with the properties and operating principles of altimeters and gradually deepened into …

Agenda for NL-RIA workshop 19/02/2020

All NL-­‐RIA network partners are very welcome to participate in this workshop. Goal:to discuss the progress and technological roadmap of our NL-­‐RIA radar altimeter and SAR missions. Focus will be on mission and instrument concepts and roadmap to technological realisation. Location: ISIS, Motorenweg 23, 2623 CR Delft Agenda: 10:00 Welcome …

Two upcoming meetings

On 19 February 2020 an NL-RIA mission and platform workshop will be held at the premises of ISIS, Motorenweg 23, Delft. All technical participants of the NL-RIA network have been invited. The goal is to discuss the progress and technological roadmap of our NL-RIA radar altimeter and SAR missions. Focus …