SwarmSAR concept presented at the IEEE Radarcon 2020 event

A work with title “A Highly Flexible and Scalable S-band SwarmSAR from Very Simple Nodes” from authors Lorenzo Iannini, Paco Lopez-Dekker and Peter Hoogeboom has been presented at the IEEE Radarcon 2020 conference. The presentation and the paper proceeding are available in the resource page. Abstract: The paper introduces the …

NL-RIA concepts unveiled

In the first half of 2019 the NL-RIA consortium initiative and its satellite concepts have been presented by TU-Delft at several key international events for the remote sensing community. March2019. The swarmSAR concept is for the first time introduced at the workshop “Bi and Multistatic SAR Systems and Applications” organized by …


On 4 April 2018 the NSO KNW project NL-RIA (Dutch network on small spaceborne radar instruments and applications) started with a kick-off meeting in the Science centre at TU Delft. The meeting was widely attended by both users and instrument researchers/ developers from various institutes, companies  and TU Delft.  In …