Alticube proposal submitted

In order to develop the TRL level of NL-RIA’s miniature radar altimeter a proposal entitled “AltiCube – A Dutch CubeSat radar altimetry instrument” has been submitted to NSO by TU Delft, Swartvast, Robin radar and ISISpace. RFx solutions and TNO Defence and Security will be subcontracted in the course of the project.

The aim of the project is to increase the TRL level of the miniature radar altimeter that was designed and breadboarded as part of NL-RIA research. The current TRL 2-3 will be raised to 5-6 and should increase NL-RIA’s chances to realize the goal of a cubesat-based constellation of radar altimeters in space that will reach new and unprecedented levels of spatio-temporal resolution. The radar will support various altimeter modes, from traditional to burst SAR and interleaved SAR mode. The project will also address user needs, platform design and mission aspects.

In the course of the project selected NL-RIA members will be consulted e.g. on application opportunities, business development and other topics as required. Currently, the proposal is under assessment of NSO.