
Downloadable files, some of which are for NL-RIA members only

Ozan Dogan – Unambiguous Recovery…
Papers IEEE GRSL paper by Ozan Dogan, Faruk Eysal and Paco Lopez-Dekker, 2020, Unambiguous Recovery of Multistatic SAR Data for Nonzero Cross Track Baseline Case. October 9, 2020
SwarmSAR Design – IEEE Radarcon 2020 Proceedings
Conferences, Papers Lorenzo Iannini, Paco Lopez-Dekker, Peter Hoogeboom, A Highly Flexible and Scalable S-band SwarmSAR from Very Simple Nodes, IEEE Radarcon 2020 Proceedings October 5, 2020
Cubesat altimeters – Yuanhao Li – ARSIKEO2019
Conferences, Papers Yuanhao Li, Peter Hoogeboom, Paco Lopez-Dekker, Lorenzo Iannini, 2019, Alticubes: a Ka-Band Cubesat Altimeter Constellation Concept,  ARSI KEO 2019 conference, ESTEC, Noordwijk. February 28, 2020
2019 – IGARSS – PRF Sampling Strategies for swarmSAR Systems
Conferences, Papers L. Iannini, A. Mancinelli, P. Lopez-Dekker, P. Hoogeboom, Y. Li, F. Uysal, A. Yarovoy, 2019, PRF Sampling Strategies for swarmSAR Systems, IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium 2019 February 28, 2020