
Downloadable files, some of which are for NL-RIA members only

Meeting 2020/02 – technical meeting NLRIA minutes concept
Meetings, Minutes Minutes of the technical NL-RIA wide workshop regarding current status of research on altimeter mission, the swarmSAR mission and the foldable antenna, and a discussion on the technology & programmatic roadmap. December 15, 2020
Meeting 2019/02 – Altimetry User Requirements – Minutes
Meetings, Minutes Minutes for the Altrimetry User Requirements workshop dd 11/02/2019. Edited by Swartvast. December 15, 2020
Meeting 2019/05 – Concept Review – Minutes
Meetings, Minutes Minutes for the Preliminary Concept Review workshop dd 29/05/2019. Edited by Swartvast. December 15, 2020
Meeting 2018/09 Concepts Selection – Minutes
Meetings, Minutes Minutes for the Concept Selection Meeting dd 26/09/2018. Edited by Swartvast. December 15, 2020